DAMAGE INC is a movement more than a snowboard brand. A movement to redirect an industry that has lost its way. A board company that is focused more on the product than the dollar. Our brand is a platform to support core retailers and promote talented, local artists. We are snowboarders building boards by hand, in small batches.
“Eco-friendly” materials sound great until your board delaminates or breaks and heads to a landfill at a substantially faster rate than it should. The true eco friendly snowboard is the deck that lasts for years and deserves a spot on your wall when it finally retires. We build our boards to last by using traditional materials that bond better, ride harder, and retain their structural integrity longer than the average. We are your favorite board brand’s worst nightmare.
If you ride a Damage, it’s because snowboarding is part of your life. Not because you read about it in some magazine. If you’re lucky enough to get one, you’ll be buying it from a core shop; not from some mega-corporation assholes. These boards are death toys for rippers.